Hearing God’s Voice

This past year, I would say a desire of mine has been to hear God’s voice more clearly and frequently. While this desire is sincere, it has its conflicts. For one, I know hearing from Him means a higher call to obedience. If I hear Him say it, I can’t ignore it. If I ignoreContinue reading “Hearing God’s Voice”

Destined for Weakness

I spent my New Year’s morning crying with my Bible opened to II Corinthians. Starting the book, I found it challenging to concentrate or receive anything from it; toward the end, I can best describe my response as a bittersweet hope. To give context: in his second letter to the Corinthian church, Paul the ApostleContinue reading “Destined for Weakness”

Why Do You Love Jesus?

I want to present a prompt for you to contemplate today: why do you love Jesus? This may be a trivial question for some and an irrelevant one for others, but for those of you who revere Jesus to some capacity, what meaning does Jesus have for you? I know for many Christians, answers mayContinue reading “Why Do You Love Jesus?”

A Resolution to Fight

Once Jesus gives you victory over sin, you should never struggle again. That sounds about right, doesn’t it? I believed it. It was this belief that also made me question my relationship with God. Every time a struggle crept back in or took over again, it caused insecurity and anxiety. I saw it as proofContinue reading “A Resolution to Fight”

The Ultimate Cure: Why We Reject It

“Do you want to be made well?” When Jesus asked this question, it was directed at a man who spent nearly forty years waiting to be healed. This was forty years of watching, waiting, willing for the chance to enter a pool known to be visited by an angel of healing. He probably dreamed ofContinue reading “The Ultimate Cure: Why We Reject It”

Thoughts on Words

Last week, I was going through my notes app on my phone trying to find my list of books that I want to read. I had discovered another book to add to my every-growing collection of titles, but while looking for this list, I found myself first having to continuously scroll through several other listsContinue reading “Thoughts on Words”

Seeking God First: Praying the Difficult Prayers

It feels a bit funny to announce my inspiration to start a new topic series when I am just starting to write after a couple month pause. I had a few ideas I worked on during that time, but I want to focus on a topic that is especially important to me.  A big motivatorContinue reading “Seeking God First: Praying the Difficult Prayers”

You Are Still Here

Today I want to write some words of encouragement to whoever this message applies to. It is a message God prompted on my heart recently that gave me some assurance and hope, and I do not doubt that there are others who have experienced the same feelings I have. Over a month ago, I wasContinue reading “You Are Still Here”

Knowing and Caring

It has been an unsettling and disheartening time recently – unsettling and disheartening because of the tragic deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd and what those deaths signify for millions. Unsettling and disheartening because of the riots and the social unrest, the division and the discord that is resulting for many. ThereContinue reading “Knowing and Caring”

On Love and Fear

One of the most beautiful things about Jesus Christ is that He is the essence of love. This truth can be seen in several different ways: Jesus claimed that the greatest commandment is to love God completely and to love people as we love ourselves. His death was an act of love – an experienceContinue reading “On Love and Fear”